HBS Club of Cincinnati--Reminder
November 8, Noon.
Virtual. HBS alumni who filled out the early survey should have received a link. If you are just deciding to join in or can't find your link, please check your November eNews on 11/6 or contact David Zhou HERE.
HBS Alumni of Cincinnati and Dayton,
The HBS Club of Cincinnati is restarting events and we would like to remind you to join us at noon on November 8th for a discussion on Economic Engagement, that is, treating employees as trusted partners instead of hired hands. This HBR article provides more background: How to Create Good Blue-Collar Jobs in the Knowledge Economy (hbr.org) attached.
Bill Fotsch, who is a fellow Alumni, (Section F 1983), has been partnering with HBS over the past 5 years on research in economic engagement, designed to test the premise that companies that apply economic engagement principles, have consistently and significantly improved business results. He will be leading the discussion.
Their research documents that the top quartile companies in economic engagement have double the profit growth of their peer group. This is consistent with Bill’s coaching experience over the last 30 years with over 400 companies. That is, companies who engage employees around the noble cause of serving customers profitably, outperform their competitors. This Inc article shares research that had been conducted as of last May: https://www.inc.com/bill-fotsch/a-key-strategy-to-double-your-profitable-growth.html
With the focus on “The Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting”, having a dialogue on economic engagement is increasingly relevant. We look forward to seeing you at noon on November 8th meeting. We will subsequently send a zoom invite to those who choose to attend by completing the survey. We hope this includes you.
HBS Club of Cincinnati