Schools Committee Interviewers Needed

If you are interested, please contact the Schools Committee at


As the local representative of the Harvard College admissions process, the Schools Committee's most important function is to interview applicants. It is a very important and rewarding job, and the Schools Committee would greatly welcome your participation.

Since there are well over 100 applicants from the Cincinnati area each year, the committee needs your help to accomplish timely interviews of these young people. The interview is a very important part of the application process.

Applications for Harvard College reached almost 40,000 nationally in 2016 and Harvard is only able to accept about 2,000. To select a class from such a large, capable applicant pool, Harvard could rely simply on grade point averages and standardized test scores. However, Harvard prefers to assemble the most talented, diverse, and interesting class possible. As a result, Harvard looks to the personal interview to help the Admissions Committee distinguish among applicants with similar grades, SAT scores, class rank, extra curricular activities, etc.

The Admissions Committee relies on interview reports to bring applicants to life, to put their individual character in high relief, and to tip the balance in favor of those who should be admitted. At the same time, as an interviewer, you are Harvard's representative to the applicants and learn about the fascinating range of activities, causes and interests of young people today.

Each interviewer need only do one or two interviews a year. The process involves contacting the applicant and arranging to meet, conducting an interview lasting an hour or so, and completing and returning an interview report in a timely fashion.  We will provide training and tips on being an effective interviewer. 

Please consider interviewing for Harvard this year!  We need your help! If you are interested,  please contact the Schools Committee at