The Harvard Business School Club of Cincinnati held it's first post-pandemic meeting June 17 and elected a new Board and slate of officers. The eight HBSCC board members are Darcy Bien, Tom Broge, Phil Collins, Sam Huttenbauer, Ken Kreitel, Katie Liebel, Allen Zaring, and David Zhou. Officers elected to a one year term are Tom Broge, President; Sarah Johnson, Treasurer; Katie Liebel, Secretary; David Zhou, VP for Membership; and Darcy Bien, VP for Events.
The Club plans to hold a series of smaller, informal meetings meant to increase the sense of shared community and to establish strong forums for more personal presentations of current business challenges. This, the Board believes, will lead to more opportunities to have meaningful exchanges in the broader business community, both as opportunities for B-School alumni to learn from the region's businesses and for alumni to help the business community with unique feedback of the sort only available in such unique forums.
Business school alumni interested in hosting small groups or further involvement in Club activities are encouraged to contact one of the officers. The Board plans another general membership meeting later in August, with interested alumni encouraged to attend.
--President Tom Broge, Venture Technical Resources, LLC