Harvard College Interviewer training
Connect virtually with fellow interviewers and hear about updates to Harvard College admissions interviewing. New and veteran interviewers are welcome!
Would you like to interview high school seniors who are applying to Harvard? Do you want to learn about updates to the admissions process, including this year's virtual interviewing format? If you are a new or returning interviewer, please join us for our annual interview orientations. All Harvard grads, including alumni of Harvard's graduate and professional schools, are welcome.
Please contact our Schools Committee Co-chairs to sign up or for more information, Elise Foster or Val Bogdan-Powers.
Volunteer Job Posting: Schools Committee Co-chair
All those personal interviews of Harvard applicants by alumni interviewers? Schools Committee makes those happen. Liasing with Harvard Admissions, recruiting and training interviewers, assigning interviewers, providing information to admits are all some of the duties of a co-chair. We split the job between 2 co-chairs and strive to rotate personnel every few years so no one gets burned out and new people can bring new energy to the task. If you have even an inkling of interest, use the links above to contact Elise or Val for more information.